
Shalakya Tantra department – Shalakya Tantra has well established and well equipped OPD and IPD. Netrarog (Ophthalm), ENT and Dental specialties are available. Operations of Cataract, Conjunctival Autograft, DCT, DCR etc are performed in Operation Theater.Complete eye testing facility is available in Ophthalm OPD. Regular eye check-up camps are organized for prevention of blindness. Dental and ENT departments are well established and perform different type of surgeries.



  • Well equipped Netraroga OPD unit with slit lamp, Keratometer,A scan Biometry
  • Netraroga Kriyakalpa’s-Netratarpan, Aschotana, Anjana, Bidalak, Karma’s are done at OPD & IPD level.
  • Well equipped ophthalmic operation theatre
  • Operations performed are cataract surgeries-Small incision cataract surgeries  intra-ocular lens implantation (SICS PCIOLI),DCT,DCR,etc
  • Well equipped ENT OPD Unit. Nasya, Ksharkarm, Dhupan Karnpurn etc done at OPD & IPD level Tonsillectomy polypectomy, tympanoplasty etc are also done in ENT unit.

Dental Section

  • Well equipped dental OPD section with painless tooth extraction facility available All these procedures are done at minimum cost.